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What’s Different About This Report?


In 2013, the global energy storage market grew by 22%, adding over 200 MW in capacity worldwide(not including CAES, PHS, thermal or CSP). This report profiles 10 countries that accounted for 90% of cumulative global installations as of the end of 2013. It focuses on understanding the unique structure of each market, taking local policy, grid conditions and tariff structures into consideration. This report models the value proposition of electrical energy storage for generation, transmission, distribution and end user applications.


Using these results, combined with projections for technology cost reductions, this report identifies key crossover points, where energy storage starts to provide a positive return on investment.Finally, utilizing the resulting economic model, this report presents some predictions for levels of user adoption and forecasts of market growth on an application- by-application, country-by-country basis. This approach allows the reader to address some very important questions, such as:


✓   What are the early stage markets for energy storage?

✓   When will installations begin to increase?

✓   What market size can we expect?

✓   Which markets are best poised to take advantage of early growth opportunities?


Many other market research reports purport to forecast robust market growth projections but in truth rely on survey methodologies containing various biases to arrive at these forecasts, often failing to connect with real storage economics. This report focuses on bottoms-up forecast models that rely on an extensive world project database, pipeline and actual application value modelling.

Naturally the report focuses on the regions that are well-known for being first-movers in energy storage or clean energy: California, Japan, Germany, China specifically; and Asia, Europe, Australia and the U.S. more broadly. In 2013, the ten countries covered in this report accounted for 91% of the global advanced energy storage capacity.

No. of Commissioned Projects and Installed Capacity by Application
No. of Commissioned Projects and Installed Capacity by Application
No. of Commissioned Projects and Installed Capacity by Application

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